Masdar Bike Trail

Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Project Overview

Masdar MTB is the action sports park by Masdar company in Masdar city, located near Abu Dhabi airport, Abu Dhabi. The project consists of 6000 sq.m Pump park, skills park and 2Km long MTB trail. The key principle for the project is not just to serve as a sports park but to create a community gathering and an interaction park along with pump park. To create a place for community interaction structural element facilitating social gatherings are added to the park to achieve the key principle of the project.

The Pump park area consists of 1X foot over bridge, retaining wall to support the soil mounds created for spectators, bike track features such as berms, boardwalk, swing, double drop, rest stop, bike park, etc. It also consists few other features such as sitting areas.

The structural engineering scope in the project is to design and detail the structural elements added to pump park and to assist landscape design intent with design and detail of landscape features to create pump park as social interaction park along with sports park and to let the spectators enjoy the sports at ease.


As the project was in Abu Dhabi the rainfall pattern was intense and for short duration, additionally the ground water was high.  The bike track had so many ups and down also frequent curve alignment which was causing non-standard network.


We provided the radial network of storm water disposal with perforated pipe with wrapped geotextile finally connecting to SW detention tanks which can hold the peak rainfall and disperse the water gradually in earth.  Strategic points were identified which were lower-most considering the super-elevation of track and its alignment at arrest the storm water.

Project Imagery

Key Details

Project Type



Abu Dhabi, UAE


Desert INK


Structures, Infrastructures

Key Details

Project Type



Abu Dhabi, UAE


Desert INK


Structures, Infrastructures

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